Geek Squad MRI

Ok, so my friend accidentally broke his girlfriends screen on her laptop and took it to best buy right away. They told him right away, $500 to replace the screen and they are not sure if anything else is wrong with it. So my friend gets his laptop back and lo and behold, the stupid idiots left their ultimate boot disk in there. As everyone knows geek squad costs an arm and a leg to get to fix a computer, and all they use is this one CD. So I did a little bit more research, looked through the program, and at the top it had a url for the site. I thought, 'Hey, maybe it will have something of a manual for me to use.' I went to Ultimate Boot CD and guess what, the software is completely FREE!!!! The geek squad are just a bunch of guys with FREE software charging an enormus amount of money!!
I figured, if this is free software, many people are being ripped off and I want it to STOP! I wouldn't call GEEK SQUAD frauds, but I would call them immoral and money hungry. No way should they be getting away with this. Please post what you think or if I am repeating what someone else has said or if I am over reacting.