Parallel Input Serial Output Shift Register Verilog Code


VHDL samples The sample VHDL code contained . Example of serial divider model; Example of parallel 32-bit . simulates based on the input and produces output to . Serial Adder Let's Learn. Loading . VHDL Language 3,136 views. 6:26. . N Bit Parallel Adder 4 Bit Parallel Adder - Duration: 9:01.

A mini project based on 4 BIT SERIAL MULTIPLIER along with Verilog Code and Output. A mini project based on 4 BIT SERIAL . ADDER module HalfAdder(a,b,s,c); input . Unformatted text preview: Parallel-access shift register Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q Clock Parallel input Parallel output Shift/Load Serial input D Q Q D Q Q D Q Q D Q Q Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q Clock Parallel input

Then, write VHDL code for a 16-bit serial-in, serial-out . the input clock. If F = 1, the output signal has a time period . parallel adder with accumulator .

VHDL Modeling for Synthesis Hierarchical Design . N-bit adder, N+1 bit output. . SERIAL PARALLEL ADDITION MULTIPLIER . .6 Serial-Input Parallel Output Register . * For the complete VHDL code for the multiplier and its components refer .

Vhdl Code for Serial in Serial Out Shift Register Using Behavioral Modelling . Half Adder Vhdl Code Using Behavioural Modeling. VHDL code for an N-bit Serial Adder with Testbench code. . and the carry output is fed back as the carry input . VHDL code for an N-bit Serial Adder . da08766158

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Parallel Load Shift Left Register verilog code

This page covers Parallel Load Shift Left Register verilog code and test bench code of Parallel Load Shift Left Register.

Parallel Load Shift Left Register verilog code

Following is the verilog code of Parallel Load Shift Left Register.

module plsl(pl, sl, slin, Din, clk, reset, Q);
input pl, sl, slin, clk, reset;
input [7:0] Din;
output [7:0] Q;
reg [7:0] Q;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (~reset) begin
if (sl) begin
Q <= 'TICK {Q[6:0],slin};
else if (pl) begin
Q <= 'TICK Din;
always @ (posedge reset) begin
Q <= 8'b00000000;

Test code for Parallel Load Shift Left Register

Following is the test bench code of Parallel Load Shift Left Register.

module main;
reg clk, reset, slin, sl, pl;
reg [7:0] Din;
wire [7:0] q;
plsl plsl1(pl, sl, slin, Din, clk, reset, Q);
initial begin
forever begin
clk <= 0;
clk <= 1;
clk <= 0;
initial begin
reset = 1;
reset = 0;
reset = 1;
reset = 0;
initial begin
sl = 1;
pl = 0;
Din = 8'h42;
sl = 0;
pl = 1;
Din = 8'h21;
pl = 0;
sl = 1;
initial begin
forever begin
slin = 0;
slin = 1;
slin = 0;

Verilog source codes

Low Pass FIR Filter
Asynchronous FIFO design with verilog code
D FF without reset
D FF synchronous reset
1 bit 4 bit comparator
All Logic Gates

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