Cory In The House Games Swerve And Serve

  • Summary:Fans of the hit Disney Channel show 'Cory in the House' can now bring Cory's wacky adventures everywhere they go with the new video game for Nintendo DS. Enter Cory's whirlwind world of adventures in the White House when his contest-winning Presidential bobble heads get into the hands of anFans of the hit Disney Channel show 'Cory in the House' can now bring Cory's wacky adventures everywhere they go with the new video game for Nintendo DS. Enter Cory's whirlwind world of adventures in the White House when his contest-winning Presidential bobble heads get into the hands of an evil toymaker. Join Cory and his friends on a mission to outsmart the evil toymaker with cool gadgets, stealth maneuvers and quick thinking to save the Capitol. Cory in the House is the only video game that takes kids and fans into the world of Cory Baxter, where they can play as Cory, Newt and Meena, schmooze with the Washington D.C. big shots, and use entrepreneurial escapades and quick thinking to save the Capitol from the villainous toymaker. As the bobble heads are distributed throughout the Capitol building and the rest of Washington DC, they begin to captivate people's minds with hypnotic technology that was built inside. Help Cory reclaim each of the toys before disaster strikes! [Disney Interactive]Expand
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