Rappelz In Game Gm Commands

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    • Jun 2014
    • 13

    This Account is already logged into the game

    logout from game to character select screen and crash the game and now will not let me connect to server T_T
    Help me plz any advice?
    • Jul 2013
    • 11


    • May 2014
    • 4


    • May 2014
    • 609
    'This Account is already logged into the game' does not mean that you can not log. You just need second button click.


    • Editing a comment
      Unless the account was locked into the server by a glitch. Then confirming the logged in does not kick the account. Only a server crash or reboot can kick the account. Possibly a GM command may be able to kick the account out but the command may also not work over the glitch.
    • Jun 2014
    • 13
    any connected mod to give me an idea of what to do abou ? 18 hours without being able to play


    • Jul 2013
    • 11
    HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP This Account is already logged into the game i 24 hours without being able to play


    • Jun 2014
    • 13
    two weeks ago the same thing happened to me This Account is already logged into the game will always have to wait until the server maintenance? OMG HELP HELP HELP again the same can not be


    • Nov 2014
    • 872
    I am not sure if something can be done before maintenance. Did you send in a ticket this and/or the first time?


    • Editing a comment
      It is the second time it happens the first time was the 29/09/20016 now the second on 15/10/2016
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    • May 2012
    • 2
    have same Problem . no can log my char in my laptop grgrgrgr..


    • Sep 2007
    • 1
    so.. I am getting the same message ('This account is already logged into the game') no matter what account I try to login. Is there any news about this issue?


    • Jul 2008
    • 2599
    Originally posted by MoorgarView Post
    so.. I am getting the same message ('This account is already logged into the game') no matter what account I try to login. Is there any news about this issue?
    The only news is old news that it takes either a server restart or an admin who can boot your account from the server.
    No amount of posts in this thread will change the fact that you need to open a ticket when this happens.


    • Apr 2009
    • 8


    • Mar 2008
    • 1
    im having the same problem as of 1:30pm central time


Its been a long time since i wrote something in this post and indeed i did a lot of things, literally a lot of things, and now were at the final week of the Close Beta Testing (CBT) Phase.
A lot of players convinced me to go on make an event for them, just to test their curiosity and team work skills and for that i confess that i decided to do it..a Spawn kill Event
Spawn kill events are one of the events in the game that enables us GMs to summon certain kinds of mobs for players to kill, gain items, gain EXP, and team strategies (in PvP).
I went to Katan North, a dark place in the game Rappelz, just to test the terrains and some of the commands just to make summons..i do succeed at times, and sometimes i failed, in a way that i summoned the wrong type of mobs..time came that the players came by to put their effort in defeating the summons..
At first i was hesitated, since it was a bit illegal, since our supervisor might think of this activity as illegal (i have to talk to him to approve this kind of event), but a though comes in my mind, since most players in the game do not know about the game, in fact, maybe 2 thirds of the players that will join the event, do not know what the bosses here look like.
I decided to summon some unknown champions (high atk/def mobs) for them to analyze..indeed they do give me entertainment beyond my expectations, and above that, they do know how to strategize..maybe its because of the way filipino players matured themselves in playing MMORPGs and most of them doing some foolish stuff that young players do comprehend.
Some players came to the 'event' dissatisfied with what i've done..they want me to summon and give the big guns..i told them that i'm trying the new processes in summoning the monsters, yet i told them that i'm summoning monsters literally for the players to be all benefited and not only for the strong few..and that do the become pissed-out chickens..ranting all over like i'm 'new', i'm 'weak', i'm 'dumb'..i know i'm maybe a bit new to the field, but we have been though to know the right time to pull off a punishment. that is the perfect time, but i chose not to..simply because of 2 things..that doing would make me as 'noob' as them and second, that would made me a bit unprofessional, as sworn and what is expected of me in the company..
I told one of them that ' if you want, you can come to our location and wait till i summon the boss.' He did. i summon some champion mobs until he began to be more dismayed and rant even more..i kept silent. as he was about to leave something unfortunate happened- i Summoned a boss, Right to where he's standing..and Like a rabbit He ran away..wow, for that noob who claims that he wants to defeat a boss, now becomes a chicken and ran away and quit the game.
I took the first step in defeating the boss, worried that the players might not get the other hand..still i was impressed by the players, because they work well together, putting everything on the line to defeat the boss..for that, i found a way to help..i managed to lure the monster to kill me, and me only. the magicians having skill damage-skills to kill the beast, luring it towards them but i smash my axes towards that ailing boss. Down he goes in less than a minute and a half..
I told everyone who ranted 'Do your walk before you talk about anything', although i want to tell that player 'Now who's your daddy now?'..i don't want to be cocky because i maybe believe that indeed hes an experienced player..yet i dunno why i was lured to his cheap tricks..
I thanked everyone who helped kill the boss, although they do thanked me more..i love the expression in their eyes (come on, its online, how do i see the eyes heheh) that somehow they gain a little peek of what would the game would look like in the future of their playing Rappelz. I dunno if its just me or anything, but i was kinda tempted to see those players defeat the boss by themselves. since they all agreed that they want to kill a boss once again, i summoned the same boss again..
I do trust the players that they could do the right thing in defeating the boss, just as much as i trust them in doing the right thing inside the game on how they treat others and in other aspects..by their staff sways and axes and swords smashes, i do believe that they do too, rely on us that we can provide them the best gameplay every player wanted in a game. and both, we do pray that we harmonize well with each other as much as each of us wanted to kill that beast..
The beast is down.. and the players succeeded, and after a long series of goodbyes, semi-hugs and chatting, we parted ways to do our separate things..
You know guys, seriously, this post was inspired by those players that ranted about me, or maybe generally, us GMs.. although we do want to thank them for criticizing us more often on how crappy their offline life is, and ruining our day in the game along with it, we do also want to tell them that indeed, we are Human like them as well, and we do have our own limitations and shortcomings. I am proud that i have one, i dunno about those guys if they have that one though.
Simply ending this post, i want to tell a simple statement..like we're a 'chosen' celebrity to be a model citizen of the game, along with maintaining harmony along the community..and like all celebrities, they may have their own fanclub, groupies, and haters..
We do not please everybody..