Game Of Thrones Mod Manual


Good evening.

Tonight, I am going to unveil my biggest project yet.

This Mod is a fully comprehensive, immersive work that changes the game across the board. It has massive amounts of new features.

-but do you know what it's missing?
It is missing a help file and manual. A Readme file alone is not good enough for a Mod of this quality.

Everyone knows what a Readme file is. It's a basic text document explaining the installation procedures of the program and content in question. -but not everyone is old enough to remember Help Files.

For over twenty years, programs and content have come with a Help File to illustrate the usage of the program, the installation procedure, and the features of the program. Help Files allow for pictures, tooltips, links, new windows, and searchable indicies to fully immerse oneself in an easy to use tutorial. Telugu serial actress names with images.

Digitus ethernet network usb adapter driver. What I want to do for this Mod is simple. I want to create a formal manual using the classic Winhelp standard. I want to compile a detailed Help File, with chapters on all the features and easy instruction guidelines.

This will take weeks, if not months to complete, but it will be worth it in the end.

Let me note one last thing: Windows Seven and Windows Ten do not come with Winhelp installed by default. You must download an OFFICIAL MICROSOFT FILE that is less than one megabyte to view Winhelp programs. Microsoft allows their patches to be freely distributed on 'Genuine' Windows systems, so for the purposes of the manual, the two MSI Update Installers from Microsoft should be added into the Mod's support/documentation folder. The two files add the Microsoft Winhelp feature to a computer. One is for thirty two bit computers, and the other is for sixty four bit computers.

I announced all of this because I wanted to explain what you will be seeing in the commitments I make in the future. A new folder called 'winhelp' will be committed with several folders containing two files. Each folder contains the two official Microsoft Update Installers (end users choose one based on their bit-architecture) for their OS. The other is a Readme to explain what is to be done.

The end result is a flashy, impressive, detailed catalog of everything that makes the Mod special and every feature that players can anticipate.

The total space that everything here combined will take up is less than ten, and perhaps less than five, megabytes.

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I look forward to writing the ultimate manual and documentation for the ultimate CK2 Mod. Not even the 'Game of Thrones' Mod has this level of a manual!!


@loup99 / @EmperorEnlil

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Discussion in 'Hearts of Iron IV' started by seattle, Jun 3, 2016.